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Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Kite Runner

When Atticus shot the foaming dog, I didn't flinch.

When they raving lunatic little boys threw piggy off a cliff and smashed him with a boulder, I chuckled.

When Rachel was killed by the Yeerks after 50+ books of her being a bad ass in one last heroine act of crashing an entire ship, I didn't so much as gasp.

When Lenny killed that girl in the farm, I could honestly care less.

But, when I read those last 2 chapters of The Kite Runner, I smiled with excitement, then my heart stopped as I continued to the next paragraph, then I cried! I read on as fast as I could through tears for the next two minutes, clutched my book for dear life, prayed to the heavens with Amir, and sighed the heaviest sigh of relief with a smile on my face and happy tears still streaming. As I read on I fell into a slight depression and felt sadness creep into my very soul to the point where I felt there was simply no hope. I wanted to turn the pages back and go back to the happy chapters of the book, the ones before Amir became an insomniac. But I had to finish, so I read on and to my relief, I once again was smiling at the end, with a renewed sense of hope in the world.

Never in my life had I read a book that made me cry or feel any of these emotions to this extreme. This book built up to the very end, not just one climax, but many to the point where I had 15 pages left, didn't think anything could happen, I was coming down the last 100 meter stretch and BOOM! It hit me hard.

Not only did I read a good story, but I actually learned quite a bit. I had never really payed that much attention to what was going on in Afganistan. I feel like I know so much more now, I've seen a human side that I would like to see flourish again in my lifetime, not just the filthy Taliban hiding in caves planning to destroy us, I now realize that Afganistan is just as much a victim as we were back on September 11.

I'd tell you to run to your local library and check it out now, but I would say, don't do it if you don't have an open mind and the willingness to plow into he depths of a great novel. But when you do, the Kite Runner will be waiting for you.

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