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Sunday, December 27, 2009


It 1:54am and I don't really know why it is that I don't want to fall asleep.
It could be my mind racing over the day...
Could be that I'm a tad bit too tall for this couch...
Or it could be that I am being forced to breathe through my mouth because my nose is rather clogged with the stench of Cow...

Yep, I'm in Ontario...

It surprises me how much I dislike this town. I mean, I lived here so long, you would think that these thoughts would have fluttered through my head back then, but it has only hit me in the last couple of years since I moved a short distance away from here that the town of "Retired Gangsters" is so rank, so disgusting, that I don't like coming back... not even for a visit.

However, it is the people here that make it worth visiting, but only a select few.

Whenever I drive passed my school, I say a silent prayer to the Lord thanking him that I am out of there.

However, I have found lately that it isn't just Ontario that I am starting to dread, it is all of Southern California. Even Azusa is looking bland to me lately. APU still holds its vigor and will always be "home" to me, but the rest of the town is so cluttered with noise and trash that even a 20 minute jog makes me want to curl up into a ball and never leave my apartment after.

It could be that my recent visit to Northern California has spoiled me...
Or that the only place my heart wants to be is with Sheley...
It could even be as simple as the fact that I have outgrown this place...
Or that the busy hustle and bustle of living anywhere near LA is simply nagging at me...

I dunno... My mom likes it down here and wants me to stay. Sadly, I will disappoint her, but everyone is welcome to visit wherever I end up...

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