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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Just a Dream...

I'm at the mall meeting Sheley and her friends. When she gets there her friends are actually my friends from APU and they grill me. Sheley doesn't say much. We walk through and some of my other friends pretend to beat me up to get me away from her.

I Lose Sheley in the crowd.

I'm in a huge mess of a line at a library. I go to where I think she is but she has gotten lost in the crowd again. I'm over on the side and behind me the janitor knocks over his mop cart. He leaves, grumbling about it not being his day. I decide to try and go through the line again. A cook comes out, sees the mess, doesn't want to clean either. I get in line, she isn't there. I head out. I'm in the Mansion.

I know this place...

I've been Here a few times before. I go to my favorite room, it's creepy at night, I leave. I go to another fun room. A drunk guy is saying poetry to a mantle place. I turn and leave the whole mansion. On my way out, I see the spa and pool. Sheley is in there, they had been wearing swim suits. I get hailed over, her friend doesn't remember my name. I walk passed to talk to Sheley...

She isn't responding, silent treatment?

Yet no eye contact either, she's stunned, no brain activity. Her face twists, everything blurs,

I wake up.

Once again Its before my "go see your girlfriend" alarm goes off. I suddenly realize what it is everyone has Been warning me about her when they tell me stories. Sheley is bossy. I ponder on that and the only thing I can think is "hmm... Can't wait for her to boss me around! ...Kinky"

I get dressed.

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